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How to Create a Portfolio that Attracts Your Dream Clients

Updated: Mar 31

As a photographer, you have hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of images to choose from when it comes to curating your website or portfolio. Are there images that are better for websites than others? The answer is a YES!

The goal of your website/portfolio is to showcase what prospective clients could expect as a result should they choose to book with you. Not only does your portfolio determine IF clients will book with you, it also determines how happy they will be with their own galleries. Crazy important, right?

There are some overall rules I follow when putting images on my website. 1.) Do I want to book more sessions like this? If no, it does not belong on your site! Only post what you WANT to book. 2.) Is this an image I can regularly recreate? If no, I would second-guess adding it. 3.) Do I like this as a photographer or as prospective client? Often times, we get hung up on technical skills that our clients may not be as drawn to.


When looking at your portfolio, you want to see the full range of your work. This includes indoor sessions, outdoors, varying seasons and locations, and with a variety of families. If all your images showcase two parents and one child, parents with more than one child will not feel as connected to you. Also showcase images that are more pulled back, close up, and can give a good feel for your posing style.


You want your clients to be able to picture themselves in the images they are seeing. Because of that, I showcase a lot of MOMS! Why? Moms are who book the session 99% of the time and I know they are the ones shopping around! I always make sure any images flatter the mamas and are photos that make me want a picture like that with my own kiddos! This is also why you want to show diversity in the clients you work with. Skin tone, abilities, and family dynamics are good foundational pillars to start with. Again, you want your clients to be able to see themselves and their family in your work!


While it can be tempting to want only the best of the best of your work on your site, this can set the stage for some unhappy clients. Why? They will think that ALL your work looks like those scroll-stopping images. So when their gallery only includes one or two images like that, they can feel a bit disappointed. Remember, your site is your first impression on your clients and you want it to be authentic to your own client experience. Your portfolio is not meant to impress other photographers, it is meant to educated and empower prospective clients in their booking choice!


Once you start making an album of all your favorite images that showcase range, diversity, your favorite locations, and plenty of Mamas--it is time to look for any gaps. Think of every client you have worked with in the last year and look at your favorites--are there any clients who may not feel represented in terms of family dynamic, race, or ability? Are the locations you showcased all local to you or spots you frequent? For example, if you live in the mountains--you shouldn't have very many beach images unless you travel there often. Get critical about what client may like these images and if that is your ideal client. I hope this helps you in revamping your website and booking more of your dream clients this year! These are the checkpoints I always go through for my own portfolio and they never steer me wrong.

All the Best,


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